Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bad drawings #1

I have decided to add a new category to this blog, and that is bad drawings. I like to draw but I'm not very good at it. So here it is.

This is John, the maintenance manager where I work. For the first 6 weeks or so, he really intimidated me and I stayed away from him as much as possible. I finally came to realize that he's actually a big live cartoon character. He always wears red suspenders and his glasses at the end of his nose. It gives me a good chuckle everyday.


Pang said...

how did you know what my gramps (grandfather) looks like? haha, this fits to a T! suspenders, black sneakers, glasses, and gray/white hair. it's not a bad drawing at all, i love it!

Abbyblujay said...

i can't see it! it w on't show up why why why haha

Jen said...

hahaha! i love cartoon people! and i absolutely can't wait for more maggie drawings....

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