Saturday, May 10, 2008

not really a huge fan of the butterflies, but i can forgive it this time

wacom case

After I had my Intuos for a couple weeks I realized that having it sit in the open on my desk would greatly encourage dust and other yuckies to form on top of it or in the cracks. I knew I could buy a case for $20 but what fun is that?

wacom case 2

I am definitely not a seamstress by any means and my measuring was a bit off. But I used some buttons that were lying around and made loops to fasten it down when I'm not using the tablet. Other than it being too short, I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out.

wacom case 3

The bottom has a cardboard base which is lined with batting as well as the top flap. My original plan involved a zipper, handles, and having the buttons on the inside to secure it open, but plans change and this works just fine for me.


Jen said...

oooooooooo...i love it! SO adorable!

Abbyblujay said...

so freakin cute. you MADE that? yeah to do list:
learn to sew and instantly be awesome.

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